E1H Pre AP-Rules and Policies

Mrs. McDermott's Class Rules and Policies

Welcome to George Jenkins High School!  After you have read my classroom rules and policies, you will know what is expected of you.  



Grades are calculated on a point system.  Major projects and tests count for more points than minor homework assignments and class work. With the exception of essays (they take longer to grade) I attempt to get all work entered into the gradebook by the Sunday afternoon of the week it is turned in.  I know how frustrating it can be to try to stay on top of your child’s grades and have an inaccurate average in the gradebook.  Work that is turned in by a student late is the last to be graded and entered. Several times per quarter I show all my students their grade and contact parents of students with a “C” or below average.   Unless a student simply stops working towards the end of a quarter or has not made up work from an absence, there should be no surprises on report cards. 

Make-Up Work from an Excused Absence

All work will be left in the make-up folder.  It is the student’s responsibility to go to the folder following an absence and make sure their work is completed in a timely manner (you have 2 days to get the work and then the number of days absent plus 2 days according to County policy).  If further clarification on as assignment is needed, it is the student’s responsibility to see me.  I am not unreasonable.  If a student has missed many days due to a serious illness, more time may be given for make up work on a case-by-case basis.  I am available for questions on specific assignments during lunch or after school.  All tests must be made up after school.  Every Monday I post the times I am available that week on the board. 

Late Work

I accept late work for half credit only one day after an assignment is due for the first 3 quarters.  If an assignment is collected at the start of a period and a student turns it in at the end of the period, it is late.  In an effort to better prepare your child for 10th grade (where no late work is accepted), I will not accept any late work 4th quarter. When calculating your average a 50% is much better than a zero.  Projects are the exception.  Students are usually given at least a week to work on them.  Therefore, they are due on the assigned day and will not be accepted late for any credit.   


Bellwork is to be started when you enter the classroom.  Some days you will not have enough time to complete it in class.  In that case, it is to be considered homework and should be completed that night.  You will have at least two bellwork checks each quarter.  You will not be told ahead of time which day the check will be, so it is important that you keep your bellwork folder current and bring it to class each day.  If you are absent, get the topic from the absent folder when you return to school or freewrite on a school-appropriate topic of your choice.

Tardy PolicyYou are late if you are not in the classroom when the bell begins to ring.  If you are tardy, you will not be allowed in the classroom.  You will go directly to the CHOICE room.

Testing Policy  Under no condition is your paper to be uncovered during a test.  Under no condition should your eyes ever wander to another student’s paper.  You cannot talk during a test, even if your paper is already turned in.  Some students need absolute silence to fully concentrate.  Even if your test is turned in, talking distracts these students and might impact their test grade.  If you talk before the last test is turned in, you will earn a zero on your test.   If you have a problem or question during testing, simply raise your hand and I will gladly help you. 

Substitute Policy

On the rare occasion when I am absent, I expect nothing less than excellent behavior for the substitute.  If he/she leaves your name, your parents will be called.  The members of the class that the substitute chooses as the “best” (no tardies, best behaved, most on task, etc.) will get a pass that may be used in place of a homework assignment (NOT a major project).


You have 7 minutes in between classes, and most of your classes are in the same hallway.  Please use the restroom during this time.  You will receive 2 passes per quarter.  Use them wisely.  After these passes are used, you will not be allowed to leave the classroom unless you have an emergency.  Forgetting your homework in your locker is a shame, but it is not an emergency.  Please do not ask to use the restroom when I am in the middle of a lesson.  Unused passes will be collected at the end of the quarter for extra credit. If you have a medical reason why you need frequent restroom passes, please let Mrs. Guard (9th grade Guidance Counselor) or Mrs. Strouse (school nurse) know.  It is the school policy that no passes are to be issued the first or last 15 minutes of the class period.


For every negative phone call I have to make on a student’s behalf, I make two positive calls.  If your parent gets a call from me, don’t assume the worst.  You could be one of my positive calls. Each quarter the student in each class with the highest average will receive a homework pass to be used when they need it. 


 Please contact Mrs. Guard (the 9th grade Guidance Counselor) to arrange a conference with me.  Her email address is janice.guard@polk-fl.net.